


Norway.pngNorway 1
Portugal.pngPortugal 41
Spain 2
United_States_of_America.pngUSA 9
Total 53

Bilateral Talks

Participants 53
Meetings 88

Profile views

Before Event 1934
After Event 93525

WavEC’s Annual Seminar and International B2B Meetings

Fostering Transatlantic Growth of Marine Renewables
United States — Portugal

October 9 - 10, 2014 | Lisbon, Portugal

Gulbenkian Foundation - October 9, 2014 – WavEC’s Annual Seminar 

Preliminary Agenda:




Opening Session

  • U.S. Ambassador to Portugal, Robert Sherman

  • António Sarmento, President of WavEC

  • Teresa Patrício Gouveia, Executive Director of Gulbenkian Foundation 


Presentation of the new WavEC Associate Members



Panel I: Associated challenges to harnessing marine energy and solutions
Moderator: Tiago Pitta e Cunha

  • João Manso Neto, CEO of EDP Renewables 

  • Belinda Batten, Director at the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy

  • Bill Staby, Chairman of the Board of Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

  • Vladimiro Miranda,Director of INESC TEC (to be confirmed)

  • Michael Bullock, Director of Renewable Risk Advisers Ltd. representing MDS Consultores de Seguros e Risco - Reducing Risk and Insurance Cost in Marine Renewables


Coffee Break


Panel II: Logistic requirements for marine energy development
Moderator: Manuel Heitor

  • Ana Brito e Melo, Executive Director of WavEC – Portuguese Strategy for Offshore Renewable Energy

  • Alberto Leão, Sales Director at Lankhorst & Ropes 

  • George Laird, Business Development Director at Dresser-Rand

  • Andrew Lipsky, Senior Partner at SeaPlan




Afternoon Session

  • Minister of Environment and Energy, Jorge Moreira da Silva

Panel III: Partnering with the private sector and co-financing
Moderator: Vanda Cascão

  • Miguel Marques, Economy of the Sea Partner at PwC – PricewaterhouseCoopers Portugal - Private Sector Financing Challenges 

  • Alla Weinstein, CEO of Principle Power – Funding in USA and Portugal: PPI Experience 

  • Stephanie Thornton, CEO of Clean Reach

  • Inês Borreicho, Caixa - Banco de Investimento

  • EEN - DG Mare or DGE Representative (to be confirmed)

  • Conceição Moreno, director at Cohesion and Development Agency


Coffee Break


Panel IV: United States – Portugal technical cooperation
Moderator: Journalist (to be determined)

  • Paulo Ferrão, MIT Portugal

  • Luso-American Foundation (to be confirmed)

  • Robert Thresher, Research Fellow at NREL - Offshore Renewable Energy Research and Development in the U.S. 

  • António Sarmento, President of WavEC


Closing Remarks

  • António Sarmento, President of WavEC

  • Secretary of State of the Sea, Manuel Pinto de Abreu

The above agenda is subject to change without notice.


International B2B Meetings

Fostering Transatlantic Growth of Marine Renewables

October 10, 2014 | Lisbon, Portugal

Venue: Luso-American Foundation – October 10, 2014 – International B2B Meetings
From 10.00 h – 17.00 h (bilateral meetings)
9:15 h Registration (ongoing through the day)
9:45 h Welcome by FLAD and B2B main organisers
10.00h – 17.00h Bilateral meetings



Main organizers

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