Bilateral Meetings
- Morning slot (10h-13h)

INEGI is an interface Institution between University and Industry, oriented to the activities of Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer.
It was founded in 1986, among the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (DEMEGI) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Being a non-profit private association and recognized as being of public utility, INEGI is currently considered an active agent playing a significant role in the development of the Portuguese industry, and in the transformation of its competitive model. More info:
Country: Portugal
Organization Type: University/Research
Organization Size: 101-250
Areas of Activities
Fixed Offshore Wind
Floating Offshore Wind
Tidal and wave energy
Logistics associated to marine energy development
Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer
It is our mission to contribute to the increase of the competitiveness of the enterprises, through research and development, technology transfer and training, in the fields of engineering design, materials, production technology, energy and environment and industrial management.
Our action is focused on providing added-value services to companies and other organizations, from applied research, to technology transfer, and innovation projects (research and development, prototypes, pre-series, manufacturing processes, etc).
- Other
- Technical co-operation
- Research Co-operation