
Margarida Prado , Strategic Relations Officer at Bio3

Bilateral Meetings

  • Morning slot (10h-13h)
  • Afternoon slot (14h - 17h)

Bio3 is the Portuguese leader in the area of biological monitoring (110 projects finalized/ under development), with a main focus on renewables: windfarms (about 80) and waterdams. Bio3 was awarded Leader SME in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Being the sole company in the biodiversity field to receive this award. In 2011 Bio3 was considered one of the most innovative SME out of 174 SME in Portugal, being integrated in the PME Inovação COTEC Network.
In 8 years of existence, we have performed the ecological section of more than 440 projects, mainly environmental impact assessment, post-evaluation, environmental management, environmental planning, and applied research studies.
Our foremost clients among the largest Portuguese renewable energy companies, including EDIA, ENEOP2, EDP Renewables, ENERSIS, GALP Energia, GENERG, IBERWIND, REN and Ventinveste.

Country: Portugal

Organization Type: Consultant

Organization Size: 11-25

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Areas of Activities



    Offering services

    Our Services:
    • Assessment of the ecological Status of Water Bodies
    • Biodiversity Information Systems
    • Biodiversity Surveys and Assessments
    • Business and Biodiversity Projects
    • Construction Follow up
    • Environmental Education and Courses
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Land Planning and Management
    • Off-site Mitigation, Compensation and Offsets
    • Scientific Advisory Services
    • Strategic Environmental Assessment

    Technological tools:
    • MERLIN ™ Avian radar systems
    • DT Bird ®
    • Photo-trapping cameras