
Roberto Gamboa at IPL - ESTM

Bilateral Meetings

  • Morning slot (10h-13h)

Part of the Leiria Polytechnic Institute is the School of Tourism and Maritime Technology, ESTM, located in the Peniche peninsula 10 km away from the Berlengas maritime, with around 1200 students and 120 teachers and a research group in the maritime resources domain, GIRM.
My personal interest is related to ocean energy from currents and tides and the study of the environmental impact of such structures.

Country: Portugal

Organization Type: University/Research

Organization Size: 250+

Areas of Activities

Tidal and wave energy

    Logistics associated to marine energy development



        BOP - Berlengas Ocean Power

        Offering the possibility to develop a partnership to harvest energy from currents and tides and the study of the environmental impact, near Peniche and the Berlengas islands in Portugal.