Andreia Fernandes , Portugal Country Manager at KIC-InnoEnergy
Bilateral Meetings
- Morning slot (10h-13h)
- Afternoon slot (14h - 17h)
InnoEnergy is one of the three KICs (together with EIT ICT labs and Climate-KIC) created under the leadership of the EIT. We are a commercial company, incorporated as Societas Europea, with 27 shareholders, all of them key players in the energy field, with top rank industries, research centres and universities.
We focus on the following thematic areas:
• Energy Storage
• Energy from Chemical Fuels
• Sustainable Nuclear and Renewable Energy Convergence
• Smart and Efficient Buildings and Cities
• Clean Coal Technologies
• Smart Electric Grid
• Renewable Energies
• Energy Efficiency
Country: Portugal
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 101-250
Areas of Activities
Fixed Offshore Wind
Floating Offshore Wind
Tidal and wave energy
KIC InnoEnergy
KIC InnoEnergy fosters the integration of education, research and business (the knowledge triangle), strengthening the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. KIC InnoEnergy delivers, among others, 3 distinctive outputs:
• MSc, PhDs and PostDoctorate engineers in the energy fields described above, with strong entrepreneurship and hands on capabilities
• Innovative technology for the energy processes, in the form of patents, new products and services.
• Start Ups/Spin offs or businesses growth in those fields of energy, upon the innovations developed internally or identified externally
- Research Co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Investment/Financing